Emelőkosaras autó STEIGER T 700 HF
Summary of advantages:
- 70 m working height
- 41 m outreach, 24,6 m upper boom outreach!
- 11.99 m total vehicle length: Perfect handling through a compact design. For tight manoeuvring e.g. in city traffic
- Top performance data due to multi-bevelled boom technology
- Highflex jib (RÜSSEL®) – 220° swiveling range
- Highflex work basket – 440° rotation angle
- ‘Standing’ working basket perfect for ‘under and up’ as well as all possibilities of ‘up and over and back’ during lowered RÜSSEL ®
- Generous 600 kg working cage load capacity
- Working below ground possible
- More possibilities with the special features HEIGHT performance
- Automatic set-up/ retraction mechanism at the push of a button
- Aluminium working cage can be extended hydraulically
- Maintenance-friendly boom system
Gyártó: | Ruthmann |
Kategória: | Teherautóra szerelt személyemelők |
32 Kg
Motor tipus
magasság max.
magasság max.
70 m
600 Kg
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